How to manage a child with Autism in public places?

Parenting a child with special needs can be very overwhelming and frustrating. It’s a daily struggle to control their behavior and understand their mind or actions and so parent’s often avoid going out and isolate themselves and their child in the fear of creating a public spectacle.

Here are few tips to support you to take your child out in public places without being in a constant fear:

  1. Start at home: Ensure you understand your child’s positive/negative behaviors and sensory differences and can manage them at home with (reinforcers,instructional control, sensory tools etc.)
  1. Know when to ask for help: Asking for help does not mean you have failed as a parent, it means you simply acknowledge that social settings were not designed according to the needs of your child and you need assistance to get them the same services and resources. 

Remember: Most people are always willing to help if you ask them!

  1. Be calm, never embarrassed: If your child acts up, it is important that you are not embarrassed and stay calm enough to manage them. This gives you and the people around you the confidence that you know how to manage the situation. 

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