10 Effective parenting tips for infants.

Parenting is one of the most exquisite feelings, it is challenging yet rewarding. We know that there are no workshops or courses to attend to learn how to become a parent. You progressively grow into one. No matter how many videos you watch, your experience will always be unique. It is on-the-spot training. When Mayim Bialik said, “I came to parenting the way most of us do- knowing nothing and trying to learn everything.” – it hit home.  

 Here are some parenting tips that we think might be helpful for new parents

  1. Speak to your child. Tell them what you’re doing at the moment or sing them a song. Your baby will be soothed by the sound of your voice. When they are agitated this is a terrific way to calm them down. Talking to the child also aids in the association of colours and objects with their meaning. When you interact with them and play games like peek-a-boo with them, you’ll realize how happy they are. Not only does the slow, exaggerated sound of “parentese” hold the attention of toddlers, but it also gives them clues on how to decode a sentence, build a vocabulary and more. Repeating your child’s babbling isn’t known to be effective towards learning your language. It is better to use:
  • Higher pitched speaking
  • More-defined intonation (highs are higher, lows are lower)
  • Slower speech, giving baby time to react and respond
  1. Add reading time to your schedule.

 Reading to your infant will help them become more familiar with the sounds and words of your native tongue. When should you start reading to your baby? Babies who have been read to when they were 4 months old are more likely to develop this habit later in life. This is a splendid way to interact with your child while also assisting their growth. 

3.Provide and notice:

Provide your child with opportunities to move by enabling them to see, hear, and touch you. This can be done during the baby talk or by giving them safe items to play with. The second phase is to notice their disorganized movements and the gradual organization as they get older. It is critical to ensure that the child can learn and adapt to the movements. According to the infant age range, a developmental milestone check should be done.

4.Maintain contact

Hugs, belly rocks, tender kisses, and soothing strokes are never enough for your baby. Maintaining safe contact makes the baby feel at ease and secure. They feel shielded when you are around. During this stage, open displays of affection are critical for a happy and healthy baby. Recognize your baby’s preferences and what soothes them.

5.No sudden movements

While it is important to play and communicate with your child, it is equally imperative to maintain a safe environment. Never make abrupt movements like shaking or jolting. The tissues in infants are new and delicate, making them the most vulnerable age group. It is necessary to ensure that the newborn is safe at all times.

6.Let them sleep

Parents frequently express concern for their kid’s apparent excessive sleeping. According to research, infants require 12-16 hours of sleep per 24 hours. Therefore if your baby is active for the remaining hours, you have nothing to worry about. It is also important to not wake them up from naps just to play with them. 


According to psychologist Erik Erikson, in the first 18 months, babies are completely dependent on their caregivers for food, care, safety, shelter, comfort etc. Therefore how you interact with your child has a deep-seated effect on their physical and mental health.


 It is very normal to “not feel like yourself” after labour. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Your emotions will be haywire and it’s not abnormal to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You must acknowledge the drastic changes your body is going through. Both your physical and emotional well being is important for your child’s well being. Ask for help and support from your partner and other family members, no shame in it! 


Being a first-time parent can be very daunting especially when you keep doubting yourself. You may feel like your partner is quite natural and well-equipped in handling your child. The most important thing you can do is support your partner by asking them how you can help, take up some of their other responsibilities. Learn to buy and change diapers, burping your child 

10. Sign up for developmental tests 

One of the best methods to ensure future health and happiness is to keep an eye on the child’s development.   A development test will determine whether or not the developmental milestones have been met. So, incorporate regular visits to a developmental paediatrician in your child care routine. 

Now that you know these 10 baby health tips, it’s time to put them into practice. Happy parenting!

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